
Allure. She’s the 6th being amongst a lineage of planets. A siren in space. A peculiar sight. Protected by her subordinates, her followers. She only attracts those who are open to do her bidding. Her violent tendrils of dust block unwanted gazes from foreign bodies. Strutting with her gown of dust, she attracts attention and dances with the energy that radiates within the eternal void. Gusts of wind blow within her encouraging a marvelous stream of tones of brown, orange and yellow. A layer of tissue protects the window to her core. Fragile yet intimidating, her eye gazes off to the void. A lethal blow through it would result in her death – a burst of gas, dust, and rock dispersing throughout space, waiting to be attracted by the next suitor.


Floating, stagnant, embracing the light, the moon stands. I’ll call him Ether. Ether, symmetrical, perfect. Filled with freckles and moles; pores with molten rock bursting towards the surface. Ether is not afraid to share his beauty. He calls for the clouds’ attention but stays his distance. He either enjoys temporary company or involuntary twirls in solitude. His closest company mocks him with their ever-changing identity. One day Ether might swell into a form unbeknownst to him. He might escape into the eternal void and escape the clutches of time and space that burdens him with permanent boredom. Descend into an effervescent stream of light bubbling from the pores that decorate the void. Leave the rhythm and attain peace. A peace only known to those that don’t pursue it. Like a pebble carried from its home into the sea, Ether will submit to the flow of time and travel down the path of fate. His companions, the soft, versatile, everchanging clouds, will become envious of Ether. They’ll remain held down by the mass, beckoned to fulfill their natural inclination to float; to form and reform; to lose all trace of being, and to always wonder: where to next?


You spontaneously view an entity taking up space and your curiosity is developed; noticing a particular object with your peripheral vision and having it slowly vanish as you focus on it; suggesting and believing incidents and situations that just occurred, but slowly realizing that it never happened. The psychology of the brain is rather complex and ambiguous. Spontaneously, you could be bombarded with something that you truly believe is true, but then, soon after, doubt comes into play. You become assured that it’s false, and your beliefs change. Little did you know that it was all an illusion.

Continue reading “Illusions”


The infiltration that the body goes through due to the infection of a minor, minuscule and manipulative pathogen causes it to slowly deteriorate without the owner’s attention. But, as the overwhelming and prominent symptoms take place, the owner is left helpless and weak, thus allowing the intruder to thrive and remain victorious. The only solution for this plight is to receive some help. Most specifically, receive some help from the hospital.

Continue reading “Hospital”